PWWSD holds a Round-table discussion with youth on the Family Protection Bill

PWWSD holds a Round-table discussion with youth on the Family Protection Bill

Nablus - June 25th 2020 - The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development held a round-table discussion with youth in Nablus to present the Family Protection Bill. In this discussion, that  took place via zoom, youth participants recommended the passage of the Family Protection Bill with speed, and demanded full implementation of its articles.  They also recommended an explanatory section to be drafted and added to the bill in order to clarify the provisions of the law in detail and to remove any confusion related to the texts contained therein.The young participants also stressed the importance of creating a societal dialogue that respects different opinions and viewpoints away from what has been witnessed in the recent campaigns denouncing and attacking the bill. Young men and women also expressed the need for  youth, political parties and various democratic sectors to advocate for women's issues and  educate the public about the importance of this law, in addition to lobbying for its immediate passage. full article available in Arabic through this link: