PWWSD calls for Immediate Global Action to Prevent Genocide Against the Palestinian People

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12th March 2024. The Palestinian Working Women Society for Development (PWWSD) made a significant presence at the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), showcasing a powerful call for action on the ongoing crimes in Palestine. Represented by Rana Khalil and Shahd Sataria, PWWSD participated in the KARAMA luncheon, where they shed light on the dire situation in Palestine amidst the current genocide, particularly emphasizing the plight of women in Gaza.

During the luncheon, Khalil and Sataria passionately reflected on the urgent need for the international community to intervene to end the war and secure humanitarian and medical aid in Palestine. They underscored the devastating impact of the war on women and emphasized the importance of addressing their specific needs and vulnerabilities.

Women in Gaza are bearing the brunt of this ongoing genocide,” stated Khalil, highlighting the urgent need for humanitarian aid and protection for Palestinian women and families. “It is imperative that the international community takes immediate action to put an end to the suffering and ensure the safety and well-being of all civilians.”

Sataria echoed these sentiments, sharing poignant accounts of the suffering endured by women in Gaza due to the ongoing genocide. Drawing from personal experience, she highlighted the profound impact of the genocide on her own family and community. "The indiscriminate violence has torn apart families and shattered lives," she shared, her voice filled with emotion. "We implore world leaders to prioritize ending the war, and allowing the humanitarian and medical aid into Gaza”. She added that participants can support Palestinian women by advocating for Gaza having them in mind and being their voice”.

As the discussions at CSW68 continue, PWWSD’s impassioned plea for solidarity and action on behalf of Palestinian women serves as a poignant reminder of the urgency of addressing the humanitarian war in Palestine.