16 Days Campaign to Combat Gender Based Violence - 2019

The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development participated in the international “16 Days Campaign to Combat Gender Based Violence” from November 25-December 10, 2019. The theme for the 2019 campaign revolved around passing the Family Protection Bill per the amendments made by the civil society organizations. The campaign also newly involved youchange. The PWWSD found that the youth groups were not engaged in its projects as much as the adults; thus, added focus and efforts was expended towards the youth andth as a target group. Most events engaged university students and youth and incorporated social events that met the demands of the campaign. In 2019, PWWSD executed the campaign in a way that would switch roles between civil society organizations, decision makers, and between youth and university students. The slogan of the campaign, “Right to Social and Legal Protection”, shaped how the campaign was designed regarding the participants and groups engaged in the activities. More information available in the full report 

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