National Advocacy

As part of its efforts to raise awareness on women’s rights and lobby decision makers to end all forms of discriminations against women and girls, The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) holds several lobbying and advocacy activities on the local level, including; campaigns, policy dialogues, and demonstrations among others. PWWSD believes that the struggles for economic, political, and social equality cannot be separated and therefore works closely through its programs to promote gender equality within these arenas. PWWSD also contributes to the efforts of national networks to hold duty bearers accountable in regards to discriminatory laws and legislations that further emphasize patriarchal norms and attitudes.


Demonstration to pass the Family Protection Bill during the 16 Days Campaign

In 2019, PWWSD participated and led many activities to pressure the government and other decision-making bodies to pass the Family Protection Bill framed by civil society organisations and the General Union of Palestinian Women. PWWSD led its national campaign to combat gender-based violence around the theme of protection and accountability for women and focusing on the Family Protection Bill. The Society also worked jointly with the Palestinian Non- Governmental Organization against Domestic Violence against Women (Al-Muntada) during the 16 Days campaign and had participated in demonstrations and advocacy events organized by Al-Muntada to protest the unfair jurisdiction of perpetuators of violence and to ensure justice for victims of violence including women and girls with disabilities. PWWSD also participated in several meetings of the Civil Coalition of the Personal Status Law organized which discussed the developments on the Family Protection Bill and proposed strategies to tackle the Personal Status Law. The coalition developed a memorandum demanding the raise the minimum age of marriage (18 years old without any exception) and submitted it to the Legislations Compliance Committee. The government had recently adopted a legislation to raise the age of marriage which become effective as of January 2020.


Follow up Meetings with the Women Coalition to implement UNSCR 1325

Additionally, PWWSD participated in meetings and follow up with the Women Coalition to implement UNSCR 1325 led by General Union for Palestinian Women. The meetings aimed for developing the strategic log frame on prevention, protection and participation of women in reconciliation and peace building; restructuring the general assembly and preparing for elections of new steering committee. PWWSD also took part in different meetings and advocacy events with the Task Force on countering the hate speech against women’s rights, and actively contributed to the women movement’s efforts to cancel the attempts of some duty bearers to formulate reservations to CEDAW. 


Meetings of the Supreme National Committee for implementing the Security Council Resolution 1325

In January and February 2024, PWWSD participated in two successive meetings of the Supreme National Committee for implementing the Security Council Resolution 1325, with the participation of Palestinian governmental and CSO agencies affiliated with the coalition, including PWWSD. Several issues were discussed, including the impact of the ongoing aggression in the Gaza Strip on women and children, a study prepared by the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs on the effects of the aggression in the Gaza Strip on women (2023), issuing a statement on behalf of the Supreme National Committee for the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 and circulating it to international bodies and organizations on the situation of women in Gaza and the role of International bodies to protect Palestinian women, the general framework of the emergency plan prepared by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, in addition to discussing Palestine’s participation in the CSW meeting that will be held in March 2024. 


Launching of a national campaign under the title of Muwatinat

Since March 2024 and still ongoing: A national campaign under the title of Muwatinat was launched; the campaign aims to achieve transitional justice for the victims of Palestinian political division, while simultaneously advocating for Palestinian women's rights in the context of the Israeli genocide war. It addresses challenges such as occupation, internal division, marginalization, and deprivation of political, social, and economic rights. The Muwatinat platform serves as a space for Palestinian women to express concerns, advocate for constitutional rights, and promote an alternative feminist discourse. 

The "Muwatinat" platform is highly successful in raising awareness about Palestinian women's issues and providing a space for women's voices. The consistently high viewership numbers (which reach 7,417,030 people via broadcasting 146 episodes in six months) indicate strong public interest and engagement. The platform's approach of combining diverse topics, expert opinions, and personal stories creates a comprehensive narrative about women's experiences and challenges in Palestine. 


Meeting with Dr. Amal Jado, Undersecretary General of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On March 7, 2024, PWWSD participated in a meeting with Dr. Amal Jado, Undersecretary General of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was held at the invitation of the Forum for Non-Governmental Organizations to Combat Violence against Women, in which several coalition institutions participated, including PWWSD. It highlighted the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in communicating with international bodies to demand protection for Palestinian women, the importance of the complementary role between civil society institutions and official institutions in giving priority to women’s issues in light of the current conditions and coordinating efforts to document Israeli violations against Palestinian women and present them to international bodies including United Nations special rapporteurs. 


Meetings with the Minister of Women’s Affairs 

Following Ms. Mona Al-Khalili’s presidency of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, PWWSD participated in May 2024 in three meetings held with the Minister of Women’s Affairs in Nablus and Ramallah. The challenges facing women in the current situation and the role of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs in including women’s demands within the plans and interventions of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs were discussed, in addition to the Ministry’s role in submitting women’s demands to the new Palestinian government to include these demands within the government’s strategy. 


Ten multi-media news stories

In June, ten multi-media news stories were developed and broadcasted via Wattan TV, to highlight female leaders and changing stereotypes perceptions and to enhance the alternative discourse to counter the incitement and hate speech being promoted against women. The stories, developed by young women trained in media advocacy, spotlighted prominent female leaders, activists, and role models in various sectors, such as local governance, community activism, and disability rights. Key themes include overcoming societal barriers, contributing to community development, and leading by example. 


Dialogue Meeting with the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Ms. Mona Al-Khalili, with the participation of young men and women from the Youth Forum and shadow council members

On June 13, 2024, PWWSD held a dialogue meeting with the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Ms. Mona Al-Khalili. Young men and women from the Youth Forum, shadow council members, and PWWSD activists participated. The meeting aimed to enhance women's political participation, increase their influence in decision-making centers, and hear women's voices and demands. Several issues were discussed with the Minister including the conditions and priorities of women and young women in light of the current difficult circumstances to consider them in the Ministry’s plans, enhancing cooperation between the Ministry and PWWSD through a joint program with the Ministry to discuss laws and legislation related to women and their protection during war, including amendments including the electoral law and the involvement of young men and women in political life to build a society based on equality and justice. 

In turn, Minister of Women Mona Al-Khalili confirmed that the meeting brought together youth groups and is a distinctive step that contributes to strengthening the role of women in society and empowering them economically, socially, and politically, by presenting their issues to the weekly government sessions and adopting interventions that serve youth and women in Palestine. 


Annual Open Day preparation meeting

On October 3, 2024, PWWSD participated in a consultative meeting about the Annual Open Day usually carried out by UN Women and attended by International and local institutions. The open day has been scheduled for November 2024 and will last two consecutive days. The open day will address the issue of women's political participation, focusing on Security Council Resolution 1325, taking into account the Israeli attacks in the West Bank, the continuation of the genocide war on Gaza, and its effect on women and children, and how the open day can be used to protect women and empower them to play an active role in the field of political participation, and the women's peace and security agenda, with an emphasis on providing live testimonies for women who suffer from the effects of war.