Strategic Objectives & Theory of Change

 Our Strategic Directions:

Based on its analyses and understanding of the context, and the prevailing internal and external environment, PWWSD will focus in the coming five years (2021-2025) on the following core strategic directions that are mutually dependent and interlinked:

1. Combating gender-based violence.
2. Economic empowerment of women.
3. Empowerment and political participation of women.
4. Strengthening role of women in the Palestinian national struggle.
5. Strengthening resilience and sustainability of PWWSD.

PWWSD’s interventions logic is outlined in the Theory of Change diagram overleaf. PWWSD believes that meaningful change in favor of women’s rights and interests must begin at the individual level. It strives to effect change at all levels of the Palestinian society by pursuing a multi-layered strategy triggering a ripple effect starting with the individual woman and radiating outward to the community, and beyond.

At the individual level, 
● Women and young people understand their political, civil, economic, social, and cultural rights and have the tools and can advocate on their behalf.
● Women and young people understand their legal, social, and civil rights and have the resources and confidence to prevent or combat acts of gender-based violence.

At the community level,
• Palestinian society understands the significance of gender equality and challenges social attitudes and norms that perpetuate inequalities.
• Palestinian society acknowledges the prevalence and consequences of gender-based violence and takes steps to advocate for a society free of violence.

At the Policy Level,
• Duty bearers adhere to their obligations and enforce laws from a human rights perspective aligned with international standards.
• Duty bearers enforce laws and procedures to combat gender-based violence and hold perpetrators legally accountable. 


Goal and Objectives:

Goal: Effective women's participation in the public and private spheres.


Palestinian women participate in decision-making in the private and public spheres on the basis of equality and justice.
Security and protection from all forms of gender-based violence of Palestinian girls and women.
Effective participation of women in ending the occupation and in implementing of women, peace and security agenda(WPSA).
The PWWSD is an agile, efficient, and effective institution.

The Goals and strategic objectives of the organization are designed to achieve the vision of the organization, which is: "to have a free and democratic Palestinian society based on gender equality, respect for human rights, and social justice. The organization promotes women's empowerment, participation in the national/ social struggle for justice and equity, contribution to the development processes, the entitlement of women to political, and economic rights, civic rights, their access to justice, and their right to a life free of all forms of violence regardless of its resources. All the activities and interventions of the organization are grouped under the strategic objective and pour in contribute to achieving the vision of the organization.